It’s the mostttt WONDERFUL time of the YEARRRR!
But seriously, I cannot get enough Christmas. Christmas brings me so much joy and I try to bring as much Christmas spirit as I can whenever I can! That is why for the second year in a row (and probably every year LOL) I have done a Christmas theme for December!
Title Page
I always start my month off with a title page. Something to start off the mood for the month. On the left page I will include a quote. Sometimes the quotes will be inspiring, sometimes they will be funny, sometimes they just give me an opportunity to practice my calligraphy! On the right page I include the month with doodles for whatever theme I have chosen for the month.

I loved the quote I used last year so I copied it over to this year! Sometimes I like to do something similar because it shows me how far I’ve come in my calligraphy!
For my Christmas Themed Bullet Journal this year I focused on the Christmas tree! In our house the Christmas tree brings so many memories. Whenever we travel we bring back a decoration to put on our tree. This year we have a pineapple from Hawaii and a guitar from the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville! It makes it such a fun tradition. Plus, I feel like the Christmas tree is the center of our home around Christmas time and it just brings me so much joy!
December Monthly Log
My first page in my monthly is always a monthly overview. Sometimes I will do this as a line by line overview or alternatively a calendar style view. After I set up the monthly overview I will fill it in with anything for the month from my future log and I will copy over birthdays from my birthday spread (curious about the birthday spread? check out how I set up my annual spreads here!)

I did a twist on my simple line by line horizontal monthly log. I kept the same style as I normally do, but I added two lines per day. There is so much going on that some days I book for two events! I think in the end it won’t look as clean as normal but I thought it might help me visual my month!
I also popped in my first Christmas spread here! Will show you a close up in a little bit!
Habit Tracker and Mood Tracker Spreads
The next page will be my habit tracker. I like to experiment layouts to keep it interesting. As the month progresses I will go in and highlight the date I completed the thing I wanted to. Then at the end of the month I can see how I did for the goals I was tracking.

A mood tracker is a fun way to keep track of how your month is going. They’re also fun because they are one of the most artistic spreads you can bring to your monthly bullet journal spreads!
Gratitude Log

Christmas is such a wonderful time of the year. I love the giving spirit that comes and all the time spent with friends and family. But lately I’ve also been finding it very hectic. So I wanted to make sure that I set up my gratitude log to remind me to slow down and take a moment every day to reflect on how wonderful this season really is!

Christmas Collections
With the busy holiday season coming up I wanted to include a couple Christmas bullet journal spreads. I knew I needed a gift tracker but I also wanted something a little more fun! I decided to add an advent calendar.
Advent Calendar

Gift Tracker
To keep track of my gift ideas, what I have purchased, and then also what gifts I receive, I created a gift tracker! This is the same layout as last year… It just worked so well and I think it’s so cute!

I wanted to create something a little more fun than a basic table. By drawing tags I am not taking up a lot of space in the gift tracker so I can maximize the space. I have done previous gift trackers in a present shape, and while they were cute I lost a lot of writing room. On each tag I will write what I am gifting to the person in the “to” section. In the “from” section I will write what I was gifted.
Weekly Spread
Lastly when I am setting up a monthly spread I will always complete the first weekly spread for the month!

What Did I Use?
For this bullet journal spread I used:
-Dark Jade Tombow Marker, 177 for my green .
-Warm Red Tombow Marker, 885 for my red .
-Pigma Micron 02 and 03 for anything black .
Well that is it for my Christmas themed December Plan With Me! I hope you enjoyed all of the doodles and got some inspiration from it! Did you do a Christmas theme for your December monthly? Let me know in the comments below!

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