Over the years I have worked to allow more positivity into my life and have tried to rid of negative energy. I focus on things I know will make me happy! Sometimes this includes going one more day with fur balls in the hallway if it means I spend the evening whipping up a new delicious plant based dinner. Sometimes it means the laundry goes untouched for a few extra days so I can travel to Vancouver, my happy place. And sometimes it means putting off finishing the dinner dishes so I can spend half an hour before bed in my bullet journal or doing a book study.
I am a wife to a wonderful husband. He is beyond supportive with everything I do and does not even mind when I leave a trail of disaster in my path (I think have random socks scattered in every room of our house!). Plus he always makes me coffee in the morning and makes sure I have a wine glass at night! I am a fur momma to my two sweet puppies. They are absolutely the light of my life! We have a very happy life in our beautiful home.
I have been wanting to start a blog and share the things I am most passionate about that have helped me along my pursuit of happiness. One thing I have really been striving towards is moving towards a plant based diet. I believe a plant based diet will improve my health and I also believe by moving towards a plant based diet I am doing a better thing for our planet! I have found the key to this is to not make sacrifices, but instead turn our favorite recipes into a plant based recipe! More and more plant based options are being released at the grocery store making this journey become much easier!
Another passion of mine is to have an outlet for my creative side. Sometimes this means I’m making new home decor or it could be working on my calligraphy as I build a new layout in my bullet journal. And speaking of bullet journals, this has been something that has changed my life! I get to make pretty spreads, practice my calligraphy and writing, and most importantly I have found a way to functionally organize my life! I love the way I can set it up to include spreads that will address whatever season I am going through at the time.
And that’s a little snapshot of me! I hope you follow along and enjoy the journey!
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