It’s that time of year to welcome our Elves back to town!
Whether they are coming to keep an eye out for Santa, or just to cause some shenanigans around the house, there is lots of fun to be had!
I have a breakdown of each day down below of how to set it up and what you will need for the day. You can peek ahead for the week and gather all the things you need all at once or week by week.
You can also download and print off the calendar and keep it on hand so you don’t have to keep coming back.
Be sure to follow me along on Instagram as I set up the Elf day-by-day!
Week 1
Day 1: Welcome Day!
What you need: A welcome letter, your elf! Optional: Use the Elf to bring your advent calendar.
How to do: Set up the elf in an obvious spot your child will see with the letter beside them welcoming themselves into your home for the season.
Day 2: Elf Brings a Gingerbread House
What you need: Gingerbread house kit
How to do: Set up your elf next to the gingerbread house kit
Day 3: Candy Cane Sled
What you need: 2 candy canes, Kit Kat chocolate bar (or other), tape
How to do: Tape the 2 candy canes on the long edge on either side of a Kit Kat with the curve facing up. Tape the sled to a banister and place the elf in it.
Day 4: Elf Gets Tangled in Tape
What you need: Tape
How to do: Start by taping your Elf to the wall. Then have fun with it! The more messy the tape the better 🙂
Day 5: North Pole Putting
What you need: Green construction paper, a candy cane, mini marshmallow
How to do: On the green construction paper draw the outline of a golf green. Towards one side, draw a black hole about the size of the mini marshmallow. Stand up your elf and have them hold the candy cane with the rounded end on the green and a mini marshmallow right in front so it looks like your Elf is about to putt the marshmallow.
Inspired by:
Day 6: Snow Angel
What you need: Mini marshmallows
How to do: On a clean surface (if you want to reuse them especially!) dump out an entire bag of mini marshmallows. Create a space for your elf in the middle and put the marshmallows tight to his body. Move his arms and legs in the marshmallows to make a “marshmallow angel” like you would a snow angel.
Day 7: Elf Bowling
What you need: “Pins”, a bowling ball, and a lane. For the pins I chose to use chocolate kisses and the bowling ball a Lindor chocolate. Note, you can purchase actual mini Elf bowling sets if you prefer!
How to do: For the lane I cut a strip of construction paper 11 inches by 3 inches. At the end of the lane place the chocolate kisses in a bowling triangle formation. At the other end, have the elf sitting or standing. The chocolate ball can be “rolling” down the middle.
Week 2
Day 8: Elf Brings a Coloring Book
What you need: Coloring Book, crayons (optional)
How to do: Set up the elf already coloring on a page of a new coloring book!
Day 9: Skittles Magic
What you need: Skittles, plate, a small piece of paper
How to do: Set up Skittles all around the edge of the plate. For best results I recommend setting up the colors 2-3 Skittles at a time. Set up the Elf with the small piece of paper saying “just add warm water”. Then when your little is ready, just slowly add warm water to the center of the plate.
Day 10: Make Hot Chocolate
What you need: hot chocolate (preferably with the mini marshmallows), cup x2, spoon
How to do: Put the elf in one of the two cups and surround him with mini marshmallows. Beside the elf in the cup, have another cup ready with some hot chocolate for your little to enjoy.
Day 11: Elf is Reading a New Book
What you need: A book (this is a good option to introduce a new Christmas book, but you can definitely use one you already have on hand!).
How to do: Set up elf sitting reading the new book.
Day 12: Fishing for Goldfish
What you need: Goldfish, small stick (half of a skewer stick works well), string
How to do: At the bottom of your bathroom sink (or in a bowl) have a small pile of Goldfish crackers. Fashion a fishing rod by tying the string on one side of the stick and have the elf holding the other side of the stick. For bonus points, hot glue a fish halfway up the string!
Day 13: In Christmas Tree
What you need: Just your Elf!
How to do: Have the Elf peeking out of your Christmas tree.
Day 14: Elf Climbs a Rock Wall of Bows
What you need: Mini decoration bows.
How to do: Stick the bows going up a wall or window to mimic a rock climbing wall. Position the elf to be “climbing” up them.
Week 3
Day 15: Movie Night Basket
What you need: Movie night snacks and drinks, a picture of the movie you’re going to watch!
How to do: Set up the basket will elf beside it.
Day 16: Decorating Cookies
What you need: Plain sugar cookies, premade icing and sprinkle
How to do: Have the elf decorating the first sugar cookie with an invite to join them.
Day 17: Elf Poops
What you need: Chocolate chips.
How to do: Have elf sitting on the edge of the bathroom sink with a trail of chocolate chips behind him in the sink.
Day 18: Makes Coffee Out of K Cup
What you need: K Cup, straw
How to do: Stick a straw in a k cup and have the elf holding the k cup out of its lap while sitting down.
Day 19: Riding Thomas
What you need: A play train
How to do: Set the elf up straddling a train on the track
Day 20: Swinging on a TP Roll
What you need: Empty toilet paper roll, a long piece of string
How to do: Thread the long piece of string through the empty toilet paper roll and tape either side of the string to something above. It could be a hanging light fixture, or even the ceiling. Have the elf riding the empty toilet paper roll.
Day 21: Clowning Around
This one will depend on what you want to do but the idea is to have the elf mess up photos of your family! You can dry erase on a glass picture frame or put red pom poms on the elfs nose and everyones nose in the photo.
Week 4
Day 22: Lifting Dumbbell
What you need: Stick pretzels (or toothpick), mini marshmallows
How to do: Put marshmallows on either side of the pretzel (or toothpick). Have elf laying down and holding the pretzel.
Day 23: Snow Paint Activity
What you need: Shaving cream, white glue, glitter (optional), card stock, Sharpie, paintbrush
How to do: Mix together two parts shaving cream to one part white glue (add glitter if using too). If needed add more glue to make a little thicker. Use a sharpie to create an outline for your little to paint on. the cardstock (a snowman is a great option or a Christmas tree!). When they wake up they can paint the snow on!
Inspired by:
Day 24: Christmas Eve Box
What you need: Whatever you may want to give in a Christmas Eve Box. Ours will have PJs and a new board game.
How to do: Have the elf beside the Christmas Eve box ready to say goodbye.
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